





Selection and purchase of air compressors
·When purchasing, only considering the cheap price of the machine, it was found that the quality was too poor, the operation was unstable, and the downtime was long, resulting in production line downtime losses;
·When purchasing, only considering operational stability and neglecting the energy consumption ratio result in huge waste accumulated over time;
·Neglecting the supplier's after-sales service quality during procurement, inability to arrive in time for troubleshooting, and inconvenience in purchasing spare parts all result in unnecessary losses.
System Planning
·The capacity of the air compressor is too large, resulting in high waste of no-load energy of the air compressor;
·Excessive installation of filters, high pressure loss, and high energy waste;
·The air compressor is not a centralized gas supply, but is distributed throughout the entire factory, with independent pipelines, which not only increases the cost of equipment procurement but also increases;
·Pipeline costs and operation and maintenance expenses;
·空压机房环境温度过高,相当于降低了空压机效率,排气量减少,能耗增加;环境温度每升高10°C,相当于空压机效率降低约 3%。管线布置不合理,弯头接头过多,增加压力损耗。
·The ambient temperature in the air compressor room is too high, which is equivalent to reducing the efficiency of the air compressor, reducing the Engine displacement and increasing the energy consumption; Every 10 ° C increase in ambient temperature is equivalent to a decrease of approximately 3% in the efficiency of the air compressor. Unreasonable pipeline layout, excessive elbow joints, and increased pressure loss.
System Control and Management
·空压机出口压力值设定偏高,造成能地变电阻柜 精密铸造 中频电炉设备 保定断桥铝门窗 保定养老院 镜子批发 启闭机量消耗增加,形成浪费。压力每增加 1 kg/cm²,能量消耗增加约 7%;
·The set pressure value at the outlet of the air compressor is too high, resulting in increased energy consumption and waste. Every 1 kg/cm increase in pressure ², An increase of approximately 7% in energy consumption;
·Multiple air compressors operate simultaneously for loading and unloading or for capacity adjustment (partial load) to increase energy waste;


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